I have had a crush on Typeform ever since I became a customer about 12 months ago. I’ve stuck with them through a price increase and can’t picture leaving them. Note that I’m not getting paid in any way to write this (although that would be nice).

What is Typeform?

It’s a beautifully designed survey tool with an emphasis on the human experience. I’ve been using the tool and it’s robust, easy to use, and allows our brand to be well represented in our surveys. Instead of listing all the features of their tool, you should just check out the Typeform FAQs. Here’s a fun example of a Typeform.

Why I Love Typeform

I feel the way I feel about Typeform because…

  1. I like beautifully designed tools
  2. I like tools that make my life easier
  3. I like tools that do what I want them to do without limitations

Email Templates

If the love fest with Typeform wasn’t bad enough, I wanted to share one of the emails that they recently sent to me. All of their emails are simple and beautiful, which appeals to me as an email marketer. Anyway, I’ll leave you with this…
Typeform Email Example