I help people with email marketing, but I write about a lot more.

How Do I Become An Email Marketing Manager?

On occasion, I'm contacted by people on LinkedIn who say "I'm looking for advice on how to become an email marketer." I first think... "Why don't they want to become something cool?" Then I reflect on the benefits a career in email marketing has afforded me. I've met...

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Typeform – My Favorite Survey Tool and Email Template

Typeform – My Favorite Survey Tool and Email Template

I have had a crush on Typeform ever since I became a customer about 12 months ago. I've stuck with them through a price increase and can't picture leaving them. Note that I'm not getting paid in any way to write this (although that would be nice). What is Typeform?...

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Can you be in two places at the same time?

As I bounce up and down in my kitchen, I am soothing a baby to sleep with my left hand and blogging with my right. I know I can't actually be in two places at once, but can you be a present dad and an active entrepreneur/blogger/artist at the same time? If my baby...

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It happens every time.

The last time I had a baby, I wrote an English as a Second language book for business people. This time, I have... gotten a new job started a blog (this one) launched another English training side project thought of another good business idea that I'll do if I ever...

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Stop Thinking of Ways to Spend Money You Don’t Have

Stop thinking of ways to spend money you don't effing have! Me, On a Particularly Rough Day   Do you ever do this? For year and years, I would keep a post-it note stuck to my computer monitor at work. For the average onlooker, it looked like scribbles, but to me,...

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If I ever have a son, if I ever have a daughter I don’t wanna tell ’em that I didn’t give my all

The Avett Brothers, Gift For Meldody Anne
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If I ever have a son, if I ever have a daughter

If I ever have a son, if I ever have a daughter I don't wanna tell 'em that I didn't give my all The Avett Brothers, Gift For Meldody Anne

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Why Josh of All Trades?

Why Josh of All Trades?

*Original post from 2015 is unchanged, I've added some commentary in orange to reflect my current thoughts. Why did I choose Josh of All Trades? I built this site to catalog my journey from a good employee who works for large companies and sits in cubicles to someone...

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Email Troubles? I’m here to help.